November, 2013

Heuristic Evaluation & Recommedations

The following report provides a plan to test and improve the usability of the website The initial evaluation was performed using a heuristic evaluation as a usability inspection method. This method involves the evaluator comparing a set of pre-defined usability principles to an existing website while attempting to complete a task. The task chosen for this […]

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The Walker App – Information Retrieval System

Project Scope: The Walker App is a mobile application that was commissioned by a religious organization. Their goal was to provide a method for users to gather, retrieve, remember and share information through their community.  The system provides a tangible way of measuring one’s progress by logging changes in behavior that are a direct result […]

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Allen County Donor Wall

Project Scope: In 2013, a client approached me about creating a donor wall for a local area hospital. The digital display would be an interactive touch-screen system that would allow users to search for certain donor information. The donor wall would be an incorporation of all previous donors and future donors. This project was especially […]

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Usability Theory

It’s all about what we expect…. As humans, whenever we are about to experience a new thing. We automatically make assumptions on how the experience is going to go.  This can create all types of feelings.  Sometimes it can make us excited while other times we experience anxiety, maybe even fear. As designers we can […]

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